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Information provided pursuant to section 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Personal Data Protection Code, hereinafter referred to as "P.C.")


Data controller

In the process of or following consultation of this web site (, data pertaining to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The entity authorized to perform such processing operations, data controller, is AngelEye, with registered office in 39100 Bolzano, Manci n. 2/a.


Premises where data is processed

The processing operations in connection with the services on this web site are performed at the aforementioned office only by staff specifically designated to the processing of data, or by such staff as should be appointed for maintenance operations.

The personal data supplied by users forwarding specific requests will be used for the sole purpose of performing the service or provision requested and will be communicated to third parties only where required in connection thereof.


Types of Data processed

** Navigation data

Information systems and the software procedures for running this web site acquire, in the ordinary course of operations, some personal data whose forwarding is implied in the use of the communication protocols of the Internet. This type of information is not collected for the purpose of being associated with identified interested parties; on account of its nature, however, by processing and reference to data held by third parties, it may lead to the user being identified.

These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the web site and to verify that it functions properly.

** Data provided by the user on his own initiative

The optional, specified and voluntary forwarding of electronic mail to the addresses shown on this web site entails the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, needed to reply to enquiries, as well as any further personal data entered in the mail.

Specific summary information will be shown or visualized progressively on the web site pages designated for special services available upon request.

** Cookies

Cookies refer to a small quantity of data stored by the computer's RAM or hard drive every time a web site is visited. Our web site uses cookies for record-keeping purposes and to keep track of the visitors to the site so that they can be offered faster access; cookies also allow us to make appropriate changes to the site based on visitors' preferences. No other information stored in users' computers can be accessed from the use of Cookies and the visited site.

Optional provision of data

Without prejudice to the instructions provided with respect to navigation data, the user shall be free to decide whether or not to provide personal data, should it be so requested in special sections of the site.

However, failing to provide such data may result in us being unable to fulfil your request.


Processing methods

Personal data are processed by automated means only for such time as is strictly necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they are being held.

Appropriate security measures have been taken against accidental loss of the data, unauthorized or unlawful uses and unauthorized access.

Rights of the parties concerned

Pursuant to section 7 of the P.C., the parties to whom the personal data refer may at any time request confirmation that their data is being held, be notified of the contents of such data and their origin, verify whether they are accurate or request that they be completed, updated, corrected, erased, demand that they be made anonymous or demand that data held in violation of law be blocked, and such parties may also object, for legitimate reasons, to the data being processed.

Any requests to the above-stated effect should be addressed to the data controller.